Photos, instruction manuals, brochures and important news need to be protected. Why risk damaging your high end prints by packaging them by hand and with material that can harm the product? After spending time and energy to produce a high-quality print, using improper packing can lead to you having to re-print the work due to damage. Our favorite solution in the print industry? Banding!
With our extensive experience in the graphics industry and well-founded know-how, we provide customized solutions for each order so that printed stacks of material can be banded efficiently and labeled online at the same time. The latest ATS banding technology combined with a thermal transfer printer convincingly fulfills the demands of the market.

With a minimum of material, you can package products expertly, gently strap goods and bundle items while adding extra marketing value. That’s banding technology in a nutshell. Find four of the many benefits below:
1. It’s Damage FREE!
When packaging your printed products, the product should remain damage free. Sadly, many low-end packaging solutions, such as strapping, can damage the edges of the product. Banding provides a secure hold on the product without damaging the edges. Because bands have a wider surface area and wraps around printed edges more smoothly than strapping it delicately, yet securely unitizes.
2. Banding is Highly Versatile.
There are more options while banding. Whether you’re looking for a stand-alone machine or a fully automated system, banding has the solution for you. Our banding machines can be highly customized to fit your exact needs. When banding high quality printed products, band tension is an important aspect to consider to make sure there is a secure hold and maintain the integrity of the product.
3. Various Material Options.
Banding material options are endless. Choosing material is just as important as picking the perfect machine. Some of our favorite options are paper, plastic, and customized pre-printed bands. Here are some examples:
- Paper: Paper is great for low-tension banding needs and can be easily removed without the use of a cutting tool. Paper bands are available in both white and brown.
- Plastic: Plastic banding is available in a variety of colors, including fully transparent. This provides a more secure hold than paper. Transparent film allows for maximum product viability.
- Pre-printed: Pre-printed material can be used as a marketing tool. This is a way to place your brand and logo in front of consumers enhancing your branding with banding.
4. Variable Data Printing.
When printing for a variety of clients, keeping track of orders can be challenging. One of the customization options is an online printer. This allows you to print variable data such as unique barcode identification metrics, quantity, and various other details directly on the band.
Interested in see more amount banding? Learn more about Felins here or contact us!