We are both happy and sad to announce the retirement of Richard (Dick) Miller. Dick Miller has meant so much to MSL and our customers over the years, but all good things must come to an end. Dick Miller has worked for us since 1991. Not only has he sold a tremendous amount of equipment, more importantly he has been invaluable from a mentoring standpoint.
I have personally known Dick Miller since the late 70’s when he was always one of Multigraphics top sales reps in the country. Dick was always near the top for his entire career with Multigraphics, that lasted nearly 30 years. Multigraphics fell onto hard times so Dick did what any good salesman would do, he went where there was new opportunity.
Dick moved to and prospered with Compugraphic right up until the typesetting world was turned on it’s ear by the new computers, laser printers, and image setters. Dick retired at that time and was out of the industry for about a year. Having gone nearly nuts from boredom, he stopped into our office to visit an old friend. We talked and came up with a plan to have him come to work for us on a part time basis.
I was very excited because I knew that I had just landed one of the best sales people I had ever known. That excitement came from knowing he would be a tremendous help to us, bringing in new business. What I did not know was how important he would become in my life even more so than selling some hardware. He became the most important mentor in my life after my parents. I learned so many things from him that it can’t be covered in a few paragraphs. Dick Miller brought class, intelligence, patience, and an old- school understanding of sales. We will make sure his influence stays part of the culture here at MSL.
I have always been a mechanic that sold because we cannot survive without equipment orders. Dick Miller sold purely for the love of working with people and selling them equipment that helped to make them successful. He never sold anyone equipment unless he 100% sure it was correct for the buyer.
During his years at MSL, Dick Miller never came to work because he needed the money. Dick Miller came to work every day because he loved you, his customers, coworkers, and his work as a respected salesman. There are many people in this area that are a much better off because of his efforts. I put MSL at the top of that list. My only regret is that I didn’t hook up with Dick when he was in his working prime. He did so much for us working part time. I can’t imagine what it would have been like 20 years earlier in his career.
Everyone at MSL will miss him every day, especially myself. I will miss the sales calls together, the trips to the trade shows, and all of the brainstorming trying to get deals done. Thank you Richard Miller, I cannot put into words what you have meant to me and our company. Enjoy your retirement, you certainly have earned it. We will never forget what you have done for us.
– Douglas M. Barrett
Mid-State Litho, Inc.
5459 Fenton Rd.
Flint, MI 48507
PH: 810.238.7370