Perfecta’s Automatic Waste Removal System (AWR)
If your cutting jobs require a fair amount of gutter cuts or back trimming, the efficiency at your next high-speed cutter could go up by 40% with the addition of Perfecta’s Automatic Waste Removal System (AWR). The BAUMANN-PERFECTA AWR-system is servo-driven, making it extremely fast. The time how long the table stays open is adjustable, so even the sticky material gets out of the way.
The system is equipped with a bed lowering option. By push of a button the front table drops down by a small amount and the operator can place a sheet of card board or plastic onto the front table. The machine automatically reverses the air bed and holds the board securely in place. And now the fun begins. The front table opens for scrap cuts while the back gauge safely moves the finished products onto the sheet of board. The ‘bed lowering option’ is particularly useful for small products, like cards or labels.
The PERFECTA 92 TS (36″) offers the Automatic Waste Removal system, making it the smallest machine worldwide with this feature and the ideal solution for cutting business cards or other small products.
A waste conveyor system, including a special horizontal conveyor and a slanted conveyor to the waste container, usually removes the paper waste. The AWR can also connect to an existing exhaust system.
Watch this short video to see the system in action:
The Perfecta 92, even though economically priced, is designed with durability and productivity in mind. Capable of operating in a 24/7 environment, all safety features and accuracy is the same as the larger machines. Productivity features like 50 strokes per minute knife, 12 inches per second backgauge, slot-less bed and high speed knife change gives Perfecta the advantage over the competition.
Mid-State Litho, Inc.
5459 Fenton Rd.
Grand Blanc, MI 48507