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The Meteor is not the only featured machine MSL will be demonstrating. You can also expect to see the Horizon BQ-470 Perfect Binder, which is discussed further in the article below.
Also featured:
MBM Aerocut Programmable Finisher
Ideally suited for digital applications, MBM’s Aerocut slits, cuts, creases and perforates a wide variety of stocks, including brochures, business cards, post cards, greeting cards, CD jackets and more.
Dry-Lam FUJiPLA ALM 3220 Automatic Laminator
This two-sided laminator features an automatic sheet feeder and will laminate and trim virtually unattended.
Mitsubishi DPX4 Platemaker
The DPX4 offers a highly productive, fully daylight-operational and automatic computer-to-polyester plate system. It produces imaged, punched and processed plates that are cut-to-size and ready for immediate use.
OKI Digi-King Envelope Printing System
Printing full color envelopes, letterhead and other unique items easily, efficiently and economically, the abilities of the Digiking are like no other machine on the market.
Rena T-750 Tabber & XT 3.0 Imager
Rena In-Line Tabbers come in a variety of sizes to accommodate any mailing list. They all have the ability to single, double and triple tab as well as run clear, translucent or paper tabs. Rena Address Imagers lead the industry with their ease-of-use and versatile in-line design. The Envelope Imager’s advanced CPU crunches data like no other printer.
Graphic Whizard GW 6000 Finisher
The most popular number/perf/score/slit machine in the industry. Operating at speeds up to 6000 sheets per hour, the “6000” makes fast and easy work of finishing needs.
Graphic Whizard Vivid-Coater XDC-530 Micro
A low maintenance, ultra-violet cured coating system that produces a high quality finish to the printed sheet.
Graphic Whizard Creasemaster
The system impact-scores materials prior to making the fold, eliminating toner cracking on digitally printed stock.
Don’t forget about the food! The BBQ-style party will be catered by Alexander J’s Smokehouse. Find out more about the delicious menu planned for the event in the article Dinner and Demos!