- Print Full-Service Intelligent Mail barcodes on all automation letters, flats and postcards. The Full-Service IMb™ includes a sequence number field that must stay unique across all your mailings for at least 45 days.
- Use the new 24-digit tray barcode on all trays and sacks. This barcode also has a sequence number that must stay unique for at least 45 days. This new tray label will also be required for non-automation mailings.
- Generate pallet placards with a new container barcode if you submit your mail on a pallet. This barcode also has a unique sequence number.
- Submit your mailing documentation electronically. You can use Mail.dat, Mail.XML or the Postal Wizard to send your postage statements, qualification reports and other documentation directly to PostalOne!.
- Schedule your drop shipment appointments using FAST®.
We’ve heard that some mailers are delaying implementation of Full-Service. Whether it is cost, time commitment or wishful thinking that has you postponing, the time to plan for Full-Service is now!
Article Provided by Satori Software on May 9, 2013. Additional information can be found at www.satorisoftware.com.
Mid-State Litho, Inc.
5459 Fenton Rd.
Flint, MI 48507