You may know MSL recently teamed up with Morgana. Now MSL is excited to announce our new partnership with Spiel Associates, Inc. Spiel Associates is one of the largest bindery equipment vendor in North America.
One of Spiel’s featured products is the Sterling Digibinder. This table top perfect binder works like a floor model perfect binder, but takes up much less space. Perfect for in plant and on demand printers, the Digibinder is fully automated with absolutely no set up. You can go from thin to thick books without making any adjustments. This perfect binder is able to bind up to 360 books per hour up to 2 inches think.

MSL’s own team member, Brent Taylor, received training from Spiel this past week, and is now ready to assist our own customers with the Digibinder. For more information on the product, please call 800.343.4231 or email