We’re now at midstatelitho.com
We have moved to midstatelitho.com and are proud to debut a new website. The domain was used by another company so we used midstatelitho.net for many years. After a long 10 years of trying, Mid State Litho is proud to announce that we are officially moving. This will replace all of our prior domains. We expect this change will make it easier for everyone to find us and enjoy our products.
Main Changes
- Online store now at midstatelitho.com
- MSL Blog now at blog.midstatelitho.com
- Email transition is underway and will be seamless
Mid State Litho email accounts will seamlessly transition. Emails sent to the old domains will be redirected automatically. We will being sending company emails from the new domain starting next week. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime just contact us!

Main MSL Website
This is our main Mid State Litho website and our online store. Each of our products will be here with a unique page that includes features and specifications.
MSL Blog
The Mid State Litho blog is for all kinds of special content. You’ll find product features, vendor features, tips, tricks, industry news, events, and trade show reports. We’ve got nearly 10 years of post history on our blog.

Important Changes
Researching equipment online is an important part of the process. We want to provide the absolute best resource available to our customers. For that reason we have decided to update our web presence to better serve you.
Our main site has had a huge refresh and speed improvements. All of your account information and order history is intact. We have also added a lot of new content and products to better reflect what we have to offer. Existing product pages have been improved with better images and more information.