MBM Aerocut G2 – Programmable Digital Finisher
Ideally suited for Digital Applications. The Aerocut G2 slits, cuts, creases, scores, and perforates a wide variety of jobs including brochures, business cards, post cards, greeting cards, CD jackets, etc. with laser-sharp accuracy.
MSL is hosting its Spring 2014 Equipment Expo at the Jackson Area Career Center (JACC) in Jackson, MI. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to demonstrate the MBM Aerocut G2.
Aerocut G2 features at a glance:
- Slit, Cut, Crease, Score, and Perforate
- Programmable Finisher [263 pre-programmed & 90 custom cutting templates]
- Wide variety of stocks can be creased and scored without cracking
Join us on Wednesday, April 30th & Thursday, May 1st, 2014 in the Visual Communications department. CLICK HERE for more information.
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