Sakurai has been in business for over 65 years and a US Corporation for over 20. Sakurai specializes in offset and screen presses. They design their machines to be user-friendly and equipped with devices like an automatic plate changing system and SIS (Sakurai InterActive system). Sakurai is based in Schaumburg Illinois where they have a demonstration and training center. Their is to provide quality, economical presses with the latest technology. To ensure customers are getting the support they need, Sakurai frequently hosts training programs for dealers at their facilities. Sakurai’s line of offset presses include:
Oliver 96 SD Series
These fully automated 4-6 color presses are incredibly cost effective machines featuring a 37.9″ x 25.19″ sheet size and all of the necessary modern automation features as standard items. 96SD presses can manufacture 8-up A4 or letter sized printing with margin to spare. The entire series has been developed with heavy-duty construction at a competitive price and with a footprint 20% smaller than offset presses of equivalent sheet size.
Oliver 75 Series
The Sakurai Oliver Automated Presses come in many varieties; four to six colors, an optional coater, and a sheet perfecting model for precise and economical two sided printing. When the operator loads a JDF (Job Definition Format) file format, the press automatically positions ink keys and paper guides while the operator is preparing for his job. This extra level of automation decreases set-up times and increases the efficiency & productivity of the press.
To find out more about Sakurai and their products, visit MSL’s website or call us at toll free at 800.343.4231.