Static can be a tough enemy in print manufacturing. Just moving sheets from place to place can generate static and in the right conditions, static can ruin your day. Static is caused by many phenomena, but the most common culprit is friction. Sheets traveling along a register board or sliding on top of one another as they pile up can induce enough static to turn a stack of sheets into a brick.
The number one solution to static is prevention. Preventing static comes from controlling the work environment. Temperature and humidity are the two largest factors. Moisture in the air can absorb static charges. Without moisture in the air, the charge has nowhere to go and will accumulate. During dry times of the year it is recommended humidifiers be used to moisturize the air. Ideal humidity is roughly 40% between 64 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
There are other things you can do to help alleviate static buildup. Ensure your machinery is properly grounded back to the wall outlet, and ultimately to your buildings main ground. Insufficient grounding is another way of trapping static; we often see people hanging tinsel in the paper path to absorb the static. This approach is sound, but relies on the machine’s connection to ground. Air flow can quite literally blast away static, some products on the market contain a core installed in an airline which will de-ionize air as it passes by. This neutral air is great at absorbing charges as it flows past.
To summarize, take control of your environment. Add humidifiers during dry months to keep your humidity over 35%. Ensure your machinery is well grounded to your electric panels. As a last resort you can turn to specialty products that will de-ionize your problems.