Horizon AFV automated folders are leading the way for paper folders the industry. Paper folders are a staple machine in any print production environment. Every shop has a folder, whether it’s a manual folder, console folder, or an automated folder. Additionally, folders are a common sight in businesses and mail rooms.
This category of machine is surprisingly complex. Paper folders are tricky machines to set up and run if an operator does not have a good understanding of how they work. The real mastery is in making small adjustments to get the folds perfect. Adjusting one fold can make a panel too large or small and require adjusting of other folds to keep things balanced.
The most common type of folder in North America is the buckle folder. The other style of folder is a knife folder. These two styles both achieve the same effective fold but have different advantages. There’s a regional component to this as well with North America primary using buckle folders and the European and Asian markets commonly having knife folders. Some advanced folders use both buckle and knife folding methods. Furthermore, these dual-method machines offer greater flexibility in operations.

The Horizon AFV series of folders is truly the most automated folder in the industry. Engineers designed them from the ground up for full automation. The layout of the frame and arrangement of gap sets are located specifically for smart automation.
Another massive thing that sets the AFV series apart is the intelligent software. The touch panel screen where operators run the machine is very user friendly and intuitive. Operators with little to no experience can approach an AFV folder and have it producing work in no time.
How Automation has Changed Paper Folders
Manufacturers have been adding automation to paper folders for many years. For the most part this has been a simplistic and cost-effective approach. Taking a traditional console folder and automating the movement of the fold plates is a great way to turn a manual folder into an automated one. After fold positions the next great thing to automate is the gap setting.

Gap settings are an important set-up step for ensuring the folds will be nice and crisp without any wrinkling. The gap sets open the fold rollers to a specific gap that matches the sheets thickness as it goes through. With multiple folds and multiple plates it can be confusing for new operators to know how many sheets to put in each gap set. For example after the first fold, the second plate will need to have the gap setting set for two sheet thicknesses.
A Brief History of Horizon Automated Paper Folders
Horizon has taken a different approach to automating their paper folders. Early on they saw the advantages of implementing as much automation as possible into their machines. Instead of attaching position motors to the fold plates on their existing folders they started over completely. The AFC automated folder series was their first foray into automated folders and it was revolutionary.
AFC automated folders had automated fold plates, automated gap sets, the feeders set up automatically, and they even had a remote control. These machines were a huge leap forward and for the visionary folks who bought in, they have never considered a non-automated machine ever again.
The advent of AFV Automated Paper Folders

The Horizon AFV-566FKT is the latest and greatest AFV automated folder. This is a whole new generation of automated folders that takes lessons from the highly successful AFC series. Further automations and incredible new features have taken it to another level. We’ll get more into the special details that make this machine extraordinary.
Some important features improve quality-of-life and those features make a huge difference. There has been a large emphasis on sound-reduction. Folders are generally loud machines because of the high speeds they run at. You can hear the sheets “cracking” as the machine folds them in half in an instant. It is common to see operators of console folders wearing hearing protection.

With the sound dampening covers and hooded cover the AFV automated folder is extremely quiet. Operators appreciate this and keep a better attitude about running a machine that is not so loud. The hooded cover also has a window, allowing operators to see if there’s an issue.
Features of AFV-566 Automated Paper Folders
There are a wide variety of features that set this machine apart. Operators who run Horizon AFV-566FKT machines rave about the little things that make a big difference. Altogether these features empower an operator to knock out high quality work at a fast pace. These automations span every phase of operation from setup, adjustments, running, and delivery.
1. Touch Screen Interface

The touch-screen interface is one of the first things people notice about the AFV paper folders. These large touch panels are inviting and easy to use. Anyone who has used a smart phone will feel comfortable navigating the screen and making changes.
The interface does some very smart things to help the operator get through sticking points. Adjusting panels can be a very difficult task because adjusting one panel can throw off every other panel. Highly skilled folder operators know what other fold plates to adjust to keep everything balanced.
On the AFV folder the operator can make single panel adjustments. The intelligent software will automatically balance the other panels in the fold pattern to keep everything else consistent while just affecting the intended panel. This is a very smart application of automation and this is the sort of high level thinking that I love from Horizon.
2. Highly Automated Setup

The set up process has been a major focus point for automating these paper folders. On a manual folder setting up a job can take hours. However, since paper folders operate quickly, they can finish shorter jobs in a brief time period. Therefore, estimators must account for significant setup time even for short runs.
The AFV folder can set up in seconds. Job recall can pull up complex jobs with their adjustments for a perfect first sheet. You can set up fresh configurations by simply entering the starting sheet size and choosing the fold pattern. After that the machine will move all of the sheet guides, fold plates, and gap sets without any intervention required from the operator.
Sometimes you still need to make minor adjustments, and the AFV automation simplifies that process as well. A user can easily make tiny adjustments to dial in a job perfectly. Then, you can save those adjustments into the job memory for precise recall later. Job recall is exceptionally well-done by Horizon and the accuracy of output will be perfectly consistent.
3. iCE LiNK Software Management System

If you have not yet looked into iCE LiNK then this is definitely something worth understanding. This special software suite runs in the cloud and collects machine data for instant reporting, scheduling, and notifications. Owners or managers are able to get into smart optimization of these powerful assets. The scheduling feature is very smart and can help an operation get exponentially more out of their equipment by just keeping it busy.
At first glance iCE Link might be dismissed but there is a lot more going on here. Automation is important but having another layer of intelligence on top of that is truly smart. If someone has multiple iCE LiNK compatible products they’ll all show up together in the management interface. The status and speed of each machine is known so scheduling can become a breeze.
Horizon’s Development of AFV Folders
Horizon is a remarkable manufacturer with incredible product design. The company was founded in the 1970’s making a variety of things including oscilloscopes. Over the years they have grown exponentially and are now one of the largest manufacturers of print finishing equipment. They are located near Kyoto, Japan and are vertically integrated.
Their vision and approach to automation is simply smart. Automation is used where it makes a big impact. They also just make great machinery. The frames are rigid and the quality of electronics is outstanding. As a vertically integrated manufacturer they are molding their own plastic and etching their own printed circuit boards.
That philosophy drives their product design and the AFV automated folders are the latest example. Instead of simply iterating on a good design with the AFC series, Horizon took everything they new and started from scratch. This allowed for the implementation of more of the great ideas that their product design team was able to come up with.’
The industry is being forced to respond to this generation of iCE products from Horizon. The AFV paper folder as well as the other iCE LiNK products are a powerful lineup. Doing this type of work at volume for profit brings a different set of needs and expectations. By taking automation and reliability to the next level they have ensured another great generation of Horizon products.
The Benefits of AFV Automated Paper Folders
The benefits of automation are simple and straightforward. However quantifying the amount can be more complex. Automation allows us to do more in less time. With an AFV automated paper folder that means it is possible to fold a wider variety of jobs than ever before; and in less time.
Folding can be a sticking point for jobs because of how few skilled operators there are these days. Automation allows average workers to produce the same high quality output in much less time. Getting the work done quickly and processed means the company can collect more quickly and the machine is free for the next task.

The fruit of automation comes rather quickly after installation. At first the operators will be excited because of how easy operation is. Then the management and scheduling teams will start to realize how much extra time is available on the schedule and they’re able to funnel more work through. Finally the administration team will get a look a the reports and see how large of an impact the new productivity and efficiency has.
Using iCE LiNK is a brilliant way to collect historical data. Having production numbers and history on a given machine can give a lot of insight into trends over time. Having these features included makes the value of the AFV automated folder, and other iCE branded products, even higher.
Article Conclusion
Automation is a pillar of manufacturing these days. Users of Horizon equipment often struggle with the investment required. After their first piece those same buyers do not think twice before getting the cutting-edge products from this brilliant manufacturer. Horizon equipment has automation that adds value.
Users with AFV automated folders can get much more done with less time and with less demand on the operator. The approachability of this machine is one of the strongest components of its product design. Automation does no good if users are intimidated and reluctant to experiment. These machines are welcoming and even fun to use compared to the difficult traditional folders people still use.
The future is bright for Horizon users, both in this generation and the next. Horizon never fails to exceed expectations with each new round of product design. Owners of these machines reap the benefits of automation and never look back.